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I work with children, adolescents and adults experiencing adversities and barriers to a fulfilling life, including but not limited to depression, anxiety, stressful life changes, grief and loss, identity crisis, burnout, and relationship issues.
Beyond that, I have expertise and interest in the areas listed below:

Abuse and Trauma Recovery
I am a trauma-informed therapist, meaning I pay attention to ways that traumatic experiences big and small may impact your brain, body, emotions, and thoughts. You are the sum of your experiences - positive and negative. Like a flowing river, those same experiences, and those yet to come, continue to influence and reshape the person you are, and the person you become. I am here to provide you a safe space to talk about yourself and life experiences without judgement.
I am trained in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Cognitive Processing Therapy, two gold standard treatments for young persons and adults with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder respectively. They are evidence-based and shown to be highly effective. I may suggest and incorporate these in our work together, as needed.

Anger and Conduct Behaviour
I have extensive experience working with individuals facing trouble with anger and conduct behaviour. This includes providing individual and group psychotherapy for at-risk and institutionalised youths, as well as managing the Violence Prevention Programme at the Ministry of Social and Family Development.
Anger serves as an internal alarm that tells you something is not quite right (usually an unmet need). Anger is also often a secondary emotion, meaning the anger you are feeling is in response to and covering up vulnerable feelings (e.g., hurt, fear of abandonment, and anxiety). However, if left uncontrolled, anger can cause physical health problems and is linked to hostile, destructive, and conduct behaviour.
You and I can work together to unravel the undercurrents of your anger, stop anger from hijacking your life, meet your needs via prosocial means, and reclaim yourself.

Parenting and Family Relationship
I am an accredited Triple P (Positive Parenting Programme) Practitioner and passionate to help families effectively deal with power struggles. At different periods of your child's developmental years, you may feel challenged as your child seeks to exert their power and will on persons and situations, declare authority, and individuate from you and the family. Your child is becoming their own person, and you are their best supporter. You and I can turn these trying times into a rewarding growth period for your child and family.
As a mother of two, I can relate to the emotional challenges of parenthood and family life. Transitions (e.g., a new family member, separation and death of a family member) can upset the family equilibrium. Adding to this volatile situation is the fact that everyone adjusts differently and may have feelings that conflict with others. With patience, understanding and a willingness to communicate openly, you and your family will grow through this difficult time, and I will be here for all of you every step of the way.

Self-Discovery and Personal Growth
I have a strong therapeutic interest to work with high functioning individuals who simply desire to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth, and lead more values-aligned lives. Only in a safe and non-judgmental space can we truly connect and be our authentic selves. Trained in Motivational Interviewing and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, I am here to help you build mental assets, transform your goals into reality, and lead a values-aligned life.
Having undergone an identity crisis post motherhood myself, I am passionate to help new parents adjust to new identities. You are now yourself and more!
It’s an extremely brave and powerful choice for considering therapy as a gift to yourself. Growth is uncomfortable but so is staying somewhere you have. You are dynamic, just like life. Discover your values and evolving goals, and grow into the person you want to become.
Redefine you.
Redefine success your own way and find greater satisfaction.