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Standard Teen Triple P: Positive Parenting Programme

Writer's picture: Yammie ChinYammie Chin

Updated: Sep 5, 2022

A broadly focused parenting intervention on a one-to-one basis for parents of teenagers up to 16 years.

After thorough family assessment, parents set their own goals, learn ways to encourage positive behaviour for teens, and teach their teens new skills (such as problem solving, conflict resolution, and self-regulation). Over 10 sessions, parents identify the influences on teenagers’ behaviour and set their own goals for change. Parents also learn ways to use appropriate consequences for problem behaviour (such as breaking family rules, taking inappropriate risks, emotional outbursts).

An image of a mother hugging the head of her son

Who Is It For?

Parents who have concerns about their teenager’s development and behaviour. They may be concerned that their relationship with their teen is not positive, that their teen has not learned independence and self-regulation skills, or that they have not found an effective way to discourage inappropriate or risk-taking behaviour.

How Long Is The Programme?

The programme consists of 10 weekly sessions (1-hour each).

What Is The Fee?

Each session is $200 (excluding GST). Spouse is encouraged to join the session, at no extra cost.

Who Attends The Programme?

Parent(s) attends all 10 sessions. Your teenage child attends sessions 2, 5, and 7 with you.

What Is Covered In Sessions With Parents? Session 1: Initial interview The parent is interviewed to gather comprehensive information about their teenager’s presenting behavioural concerns, developmental history, and family circumstances. They are asked to complete further assessment in the form of questionnaires and they are taught to use monitoring forms to track a specific teen behaviour throughout the following week.

Session 2: Interview with teenager and family observation First, the teenager is interviewed to obtain their perspective on family functioning and any presenting problems. This also serves as an assessment of mental status. The parent and teenager are then observed holding a problem-solving discussion.

Session 3: Sharing assessment findings The practitioner provides feedback to the parent from all forms of assessment and develops a shared understanding of the nature, severity, and probable causes of current concerns. From there, treatment is negotiated and the parent sets goals for their own and their teen’s behavior changes.

Session 4: Encouraging appropriate behavior During this session, the parent is presented with three types of parenting skills that aim to enhance the quality of the parent-teenager relationship and promote a rich environment of encouragement and positive attention. These parenting skills include strategies for developing a positive relationship with their teenager, strategies for increasing desirable behavior, and strategies for teaching new skills.

Session 5: Using positive parenting strategies 1 This session involves the parent and teen being observed to practice strategies such as part of a daily meeting or how to review a behaviour contract. The practitioner uses a self-regulatory feedback process to assist the parent to evaluate their strengths and areas for improvement. They then set goals to further refine their skills.

Session 6: Managing problem behavior During this session, the practitioner introduces the parent to strategies to reduce problem behavior and to help teenagers learn to manage their emotions. An emotional behavior routine is presented and rehearsed.

Session 7: Using positive parenting strategies 2 This session again involves both the teenager and their parent. They are observed during a structured interaction as they review how things are going. The practitioner again uses a self-regulatory feedback process to assist the parent to evaluate their strengths and areas for improvement. They then set goals to further refine their skills.

Session 8: Dealing with risky behavior This session introduces the parent to a routine for addressing teenagers’ risky behavior, guides them through the steps of how to use the routine, and prompts them to use the routine at home in the coming week.

Session 9: Using planning ahead routines This session assists the parent and their teenager to review how they have planned ahead for potential risky behavior and situations. They have an opportunity to practice developing further plans with support and feedback from the practitioner.

Session 10: Program close The practitioner conducts a progress review and discusses family survival tips and how to keep up the changes that have been made. Future problem solving exercises and a final assessment are completed. If necessary, referral options are discussed.

Contact me at or call 6908 0810 (during office hours) to schedule sessions.

Practitioner Profile: Yammie Chin

I am an accredited Triple P (Positive Parenting Programme) Practitioner and passionate to help families effectively deal with power struggles. At different periods of your child's developmental years, you may feel challenged as your child seeks to exert their power and will on persons and situations, declare authority, and individuate from you and the family. Your child is becoming their own person, and you are their best supporter. You and I can turn these trying times into a rewarding growth period for your child and family.


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