Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is commonly known and pronounced as the word "ACT."

"When we take action on the things that truly matter deep in our hearts, when we move in directions that we consider valuable and worthy, when we clarify what we stand for in life and act accordingly, then our lives become rich and full and meaningful, and we experience a powerful sense of vitality." - Russ Harris
ACT is unique in that it views that our ongoing attempt to control or get rid of "symptoms" actually creates the clinical disorder or psychological suffering (e.g., loneliness, boredom, alienation, meaningless, low self-esteem, existential angst, and pain) in the first place. Instead, ACT posits that the best response to cope with life's adversities and challenges is to develop psychological flexibility.
ACT seeks to promote psychological flexibility through its six core processes, which can be grouped together into three parts:

Open up includes acceptance and defusion, both of which are about opening ourselves fully to our experience, making space for all our thoughts and feelings, and allowing them to freely flow through.
Be present combines contacting the present moment and self-as-context, which involve engaging fully in the here and now experience, and focusing our attention on whatever is most relevant to the task or activity at hand.
Do what matters comprises values and committed action, that is to be clear about your values, make a commitment to take actions in the valued direction, and lead a values-aligned life.
The goal of ACT is to accept the pain and discomfort that inevitably show up in life, while still commit to change and growth. Live in the here and now, and create a rich and meaningful life!